Keep drivers up to date automatically with UpdateMyDrivers. Recognizing more than a million hardware devices, UpdateMyDrivers keeps your system always up to date, guaranteeing the best performance and reliability on your Windows 7, Vista or XP PC completely automatically. The intelligent driver update engine detects outdated drivers, providing a comprehensive report and offering to update the drivers.
Unleash the full potential of your computer by keeping your drivers up to date! Outdated drivers can slow down your PC and cause all sorts of compatibility problems. Updated versions of drivers provided by manufacturers fix many reliability and performance issues, solve all sorts of software and hardware compatibility problems, and introduce support for new standards and protocols.
Key Features:
Access to over 10,000,000 device drivers
Ability to make individual search queries for exotic drivers
Driver Backup Wizard
Highly intelligent engine which finds only drivers that are completely compatible
Full support for Windows 7, Vista and XP
High scanning speed with detailed results
Simple and user friendly interface
Highly-qualified technical support